Cancer Cure Centre is located in Accompong Town, Jamaica. At Cancer Cure Centre (CUC), the only concepts that are of value to us are those that have been put to test and demonstrated to be facts:
We offer persons with the condition to Cancer a place to lawfully engage in Cannabis Oil Cancer Cure and Endocannabinoid fortification therapy.
We invite you to heal amidst the natural beauty of the Cockpit Mountains and the rich indigenous culture of the indomitable Maroons.
The revitalizing paradise ambiance of out tropical paradise provides the complimentary environment to stimulate the healing process
Adults guests are encourage to have a family member or friend accompany them to share in the experience while providing familiar encouragement and support as this cost is covered in the basic protocol package.
At the Cancer Cure Centre we offer the ultimate in Health Tourism, a rich cocktail of music, art, culture, tours, trips, relaxation and Cancer Eradication.
GUARANTEED CANCER ERADICATION - By using concentrated Cannabiniods extracts of CBN, CBD,THC,CBG TO KILL CANCER CELLS
As the body, its organs and tissues fall out of balance with with diseases and conditions such as Cancer, Cannabinoids have a restorative effect on the tissues that are damaged, bringing optimal health in all structure and functions in the body.
Thanks to our Endocannabinoid System, discovered in 1988 by Dr. Devane Et Al and the millions of CB1 and CB2 receptor activation pathways in the human body. Cannabinoids bind to the protein recptor of a cancer cell, including Ceramide production, disrupting the mitochondrial function of producing ATP (Adenoid Triphosphate) the energy donor of cell function. As such cancer cell die not because of cytotoxic chemicals, but because of a shift in mitochondria
Dennis Hill ...........................................Cured of Prostate Cancer
Sharon Kelly ..........................................Cured of Lung Cancer
Tommy Chong .......................................Cured of Prostate Cancer
Corrie Yelland .........................................Cured of Skin and Anal Cancer
Joanne Crowthers ..................................Cured of Lymphoma
Dusty Frank .............................................Cured of Prostrate Cancer
Ricky Simpson Troy ................................Cured of Bascal Cell Caricoma (skin cancer)
Michael McShane ...................................Cured of Quamous Cell Caricoma (skin cancer)
Tricia Dennis ...........................................Cured of Melanoma (skin cancer)
Mykayla Comstock ............................... T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Daniel Barrett - 1876-804-1814/305-454-6484/876-534-4035 or email:
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